NT motion classification:

That ICPA NT request that the Department of Education and Training extend the Back-to-School voucher scheme to all Northern Territory Geographically Isolated students that are required to Board Interstate to complete their compulsory schooling.


Currently, the Department of Education offer a Back-to-School voucher to NT students either enrolled in a Northern Territory (NT) school or 

registered for home-schooling as described 

“You are entitled to receive $200 of educational goods and services for each child enrolled in a government or non-government NT school or preschool. If your child is in transition to year 12, you will receive the entitlement in term 1 each year. The entitlement must be used by the end of term 1.” We request that due to the need for some Geographically Isolated students to board interstate, the Department of Education should extend this program by way of a Back-to-School Voucher Allowance. 

These children are still Northern Territory residents, and they are slipping through the net of support by way of exclusion. They cannot access financial support for back-to-school items in the state they are being educated in.